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Ahora, nuestros trabajadores de la salud están al frente de la lucha contra la nueva enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19) que se está propagando rápidamente por todo el mundo. Gracias, Frontline Heroes. #unitech agradece sus esfuerzos. Aquí, en unitech, queremos apoyar tanto como podamos.
Unitech PA760 Rugged PDA - ¡Honrado con el premio Taiwan Excellence 2020!
According to Common Wealth magazine, the unitech electronics co., ltd. has been ranked as 967th among the Top 2,000 manufacturer companies in 2019 in Taiwan upon its NTD 20.35 billion consolidated revenue.
unitech electronics won the Computex 2019 Best Choice Award. Durable designs and multi-scan function allowed unitech's products, PA760 rugged mobile computer win the 2019 Best Choice Award authorized by the TCA (Taipei Computer Association).