Multi-ScanMode-Unitech Global | Your Brilliant AIDC Solution Provider
2023-10-20 Knowledge Center

Multi-Scan Mode: Boost Efficiency and Accuracy in Barcode Scanning


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What is Multi-Scan Mode?

Multi-Scan Mode is a powerful function designed for applications that require the simultaneous reading of two or more labels. It overcomes the limitations of traditional barcode scanning methods, where each barcode needs to be scanned individually. With just a single scan trigger, Multi-Scan Mode captures and processes multiple barcodes within its range.

Why is Multi-Scan Mode Valuable to Enterprises?

Without Multi-Scan functionality, this task can quickly become time-consuming and inefficient. When users need to inventory or verify a large number of barcodes, each barcode must be scanned one by one, leading to reduced operational efficiency and an increased likelihood of errors. In situations where speed and accuracy are paramount, such inefficiencies result in significant time costs and overall poor efficiency.

The Key Benefits of Multi-Scan Mode include:


1. One Trigger, All Barcodes

With a simple activation of the scan key, Multi-Scan Mode effortlessly captures and processes all barcodes within its scanning range.


2. Customized Simultaneity

Customers have the ability to fine-tune the desired barcode types for reading, allowing for the simultaneous processing of various types of barcode information.



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Barcode Scanners -


MS652 Plus

Bluetooth 2D Ring Scanner

MS852 Series

2D Imager Scanner

* MS852 Series: Excluding MS852 DPM & MS852 DPM ESD