MoboLink 是由精聯電子行動裝置與應用軟體管理平台產品,讓企業可遠端管理旗下之各個精聯行動裝置,使其能更有效率的精簡管理、監控、以及維護作業流程。
配置、资料收集、扫描检查。 全面掌握您的 unitech 条码扫描器。
Control access to apps on your Unitech devices and restrict the use of settings, notications, recent key and the safe mode.
Redefine the behavior of a physical key to act as another key or to launch an app.
Pair by barcode, Scan by button. Support various types of symbology by pocket scanner
Enterprise Keyboard gives various methods for user to input data to enhance efficiency and productivity.
StageGO 经由条码编辑平台,满足PDA可快速参数设定、派遣部属 高效能生产力工具